Nursery Rhymes

Arizona History Timeline

The Arizona History Timeline Overview
The Mexican War and the Gadsden Purchase
Statehood: Arizona was admitted to the Union on February 14, 1912
The Constitution: 48th State to be admitted to the Union
State Motto: "God enriches"

Arizona History Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Arizona State History Timeline - Chronology of this American state at a glance
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  • Famous Explorers, Pioneers, Native Indians, Settlers and Leaders of this American state via the comprehensive Arizona History Timeline



Arizona was first explored by the Spanish



Father Marcos de Niza explores Arizona and claims it for Spain



The first permanent Spanish settlement was established in Tubac, after many revolts from the Pima and Papago tribes



1756 - 1763: The Seven Years War (French and Indian War) due to disputes over land is won by Great Britain. France gives England all French territory east of the Mississippi River, except New Orleans. The Spanish give up east and west Florida to the English in return for Cuba.



A Spanish fort is built at Tucson



1775 - 1783: The American Revolution creates the United States of America.The Revolution was due to the British burden of taxes and total power to legislate any laws governing the American colonies. George Washingtonled the American victory over Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War (American War of Independence)



July 4, 1776 - United States Declaration of Independence



July 10, 1778: France declares war against Britain and makes an alliance with the American revolutionary forces



September 3, 1783 - The Treaty of Paris is signed by the victorious United States and the defeated Great Britain



1812 - 1815 - The War of 1812 between U.S. and Great Britain, ended in a stalemate but confirmed America's Independence



Mexico gains military control of Arizona



Trappers and traders from the United States came into Arizona



United States won the Mexican War and gained all of Arizona, north of the Gila River through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo



The rest of Arizona becomes part of United States by the Gadsden Purchase



Copper is discovered in Arizona



1861 - 1865 The American Civil War. In 1859 John Brown raided Harpers Ferry and set in motion events that led directly to the outbreak of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president and in 1861 the South Secedes. The initial Secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America. The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the opening engagement of the American Civil War.



The Apaches, led by Cochise, attack soldiers at Apache Pass, beginning a ten year war with settlers



The surrender of Robert E. Lee on April 9 1865 signalled the end of the Confederacy



1865 December 6: The Abolishment of Slavery. The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, thus officially abolishing slavery



September 4 1886: The great Apache chief, Geronimo, surrenders



1898 -1901: The Spanish American War. On December 10, 1898 the Treaty of Paris the US annexes Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines.



Statehood - The Date that Arizona was admitted to the Union - February 14, 1912. The Constitution - Arizona was the 48th State to be admitted to the Union. State Motto - Ditat Deus - motto translated as " God enriches ".

Arizona Timeline

The State was named from the Indian word “Arizonac” meaning “little spring”.

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