Atomic Timeline ***

Atomic Timeline

Atomic Timeline
The Atomic Timeline has been developed to provide a 'snapshot' of the famous people and
events relating to nuclear weapons.
The release of atomic energy in nuclear weapons and atomic bombs
The discovery of nuclear fission
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Atomic Timeline

   Atomic Timeline - Definition
This timeline relates to the events leading to the development of nuclear weapons which derive destructive energy from the release of atomic energy in nuclear weapons and atomic bombs. At the beginning of the 20th century scientists realized the atom could be split and the atom's elementary building blocks the electron, proton, and neutron were mapped which led to the discovery of nuclear fission transforming the atom into a new and powerful source of energy.
  1704Isaac Newton: modelled the atom using billiard balls 
  1789Martin Heinrich Klaproth discovered Uranium. 
  1862Mechanical submarine invented by  NarcĂ­s Monturiol i Estarriol 
  1866Dynamite invented by  Alfred Nobel 
  1869Mendeleev produces the Periodic Table 
  1873James Clerk Maxwell: introduced the electro magnetic field around atoms 
  1885The Balmer series - light was shot through hydrogen and the light spectrum that came from it was studied 
  1887Heinrich Hertz: discovered radio (electric waves) 
  1895Roentgen discovers X-rays. Cloud chamber for tracking charged particles is invented 
  1896Henry Becquerel: finds radioactivity 
  1897J.J. Thompson: discovered electrons using cathode rays, showed that glowing matter wasn't light waves 
  1898Pierre and Marie Curie discover the first radioactive elements: radium and polonium 
  1899E. Rutherford: publishes discoveries on radiation, including alpha and beta particles 
  1900Planck develops quantum theory 
  1903Rutherford and Soddy work on spontaneous decay and radioactivity, half lives and the amount of energy released 
  1905Albert Einstein introduces his special theory of relativity and the mathematical formula E=mc2, or energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, which demonstrates that mass can be converted into energy 
  1911George von Hevesy conceives the idea of using radioactive tracers 
  1913Niels Bohr introduced the first atom model, the mini solar system 
  1926Robert Goddard experiments with liquid-fueled rockets. 
  1932The Neutron is discovered. James Chadwick exposes the metal beryllium to alpha particles and discovers the neutron

Ernest O. Lawrence and M. Stanley Livingston publish the first article on "the production of high speed light ions without the use of high voltages."
  1934Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie discover artificial radioactivity 
  19375-million-volt Van de Graaff generator built and used as a particle accelerator in atom smashing

Alan Turing develops the concept of a theoretical computing machine
  1938German scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, demonstrate nuclear fission 
  19391939 Atomic Timeline - September - WW2 starts September 1, 1939

1939-1945 Manhattan Project. The top-secret atomic energy program, known as the Manhattan Project, employed scientists under the direction of J. Robert Oppenheimer to develop the first transportable atomic bomb and produce the plutonium and uranium-235 necessary for nuclear fission
  1942December 2, 1942, Enrico Fermi achieves a controlled nuclear chain reaction with a demonstration reactor, called the Chicago Pile 1 

Atomic Timeline August - 1945

  • August 6: The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima - ( US B29 Super fortress bomber, called the 'Enola Gay') A 20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000
  • August 9: The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki in Japan (US Superfortress 'Bockscar' bomb was called Fat -Man) The 22 kiloton 'Fat Man' bomb killed 70,000 people)
  1954Atomic Energy Act of 1954 - The U.S. Congress passed the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 allowing the Atomic Energy Commission to license private companies to use nuclear materials and build nuclear power plants

First nuclear power plant begins operation in the Obninsk Scientific Center, Russia
  1955The USS Nautilus SSN 571 - the first nuclear-powered submarine 
  1957The United States sets off first underground nuclear test in a mountain tunnel in the desert 100 miles from Las Vegas

Radiation is released when the graphite core of the Windscale nuclear reactor in England catches fire

The first U.S. large-scale nuclear power plant begins operating in Shippingport, Pennsylvania
  1965The first nuclear reactor is operated from outer space 
  1979Three Mile Island incident resulted in a partial meltdown of the core but only a minor release of radioactive material into the atmosphere 
  1986Chernobyl - The Chernobyl nuclear disaster exposed millions of people to radioactive isotopes 
Atomic Timeline

Atomic Timeline
History Timelines about nuclear provide fast facts and information about famous events in history, such as those detailed in the Atomic Timeline, precipitated a significant change in world history. This major historical world event of is arranged in the Atomic Timeline by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of this past event which was of significance to World history. Many World historical events, such as detailed in the Atomic Timeline, occurred during times of crisis, evolution or change in the world. Many of the famous world events as detailed in the Atomic Timeline describe famous, critical and major incidents in the history of the atom. The specific period in history detailed in the Atomic Timeline led to great changes in the development of the world. The Atomic timeline provides fast information via the timeline which highlights the key dates and major historical significance in a fast information format. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of this historical event of world significance. The chronologies of famous people, places and events in the world are detailed in the Atomic Timeline.

Atomic Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Atomic Timeline - History and Chronology at a glance
  • Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the Atomic Timeline
  • Useful database of this Atomic Timeline containing interesting chronology of facts & information
  • Chronologies of nuclear power key dates, facts and info
  • Fast and accurate details via Atomic timeline and chronologies
  • Famous people, famous places and countries and famous events via comprehensive Atomic Timeline

Atomic Timeline

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