Nursery Rhymes

Zachary Taylor Timeline

Short Biography of President Zachary Taylor
Lifespan: 1784 - 1850
Born on November 24, 1784 in Orange County, Virginia
Zachary Taylor died on July 9, 1850 in Washington D.C. whilst in office
Twelfth President of America - His term in office was from 1849 to 1850
Military Experience: Zachary Taylor served in the War of 1812, Black Hawk, Second Seminole, and Mexican wars

Why was Zachary Taylor famous?
Zachary Taylor was famous as the twelfth President of the United States of America and the second to die whilst in office. Despite owning many slaves he angered many Southerners by taking a moderate stance on the issue of slavery.

The next US President was Millard Fillmore.



Born on November 24, 1784 in Orange County, Virginia



Battle of Tippecanoe



The War of 1812 which has also been called the second War for Independence, between the United States and Great Britain. Zachary Taylor served in the War of 1812, Black Hawk, Second Seminole, and Mexican wars



Treaty of Fort Jackson ends Creek War



Zachary Taylor was married to Margaret Mackall Smith in 1810



Indian Removal Act
Oregon Trail opens



Nat Turner's revolt



Black Hawk War
Seminole War begins
Department of Indian Affairs established



Texas War for Independence begins



Zachary Taylor was made a Brigadier General as a result of his victory over the Seminoles at Lake Okeechobee



Battle of the Alamo



1838-1839: The Trail of Tears



Mexican-American War begins. He captured Monterrey in September 1846



He defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista in February 1847 and became a hero of the Mexican War



January 24th 1848 Gold is discovered at Sutter's Mill in California
Mexican-American War ends in 1848



He became the twelfth President of the United States of America



The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty signed with Britain guaranteed that any future canal across Central America would be available to all nations



Zachary Taylor died of heat stroke on July 4, 1850 dedication of the Washington Monument. He was buried in Louisville, Kentucky in what is now known as Zachary Taylor National Cemetery.

Zachary Taylor Timeline

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