300 BC |
Pingala invented the binary number system |
87 BC |
Antikythera Mechanism was built in Rhodes to track movement of the stars |
673A |
Greek fire was invented by Kallinikos of Heliopolis |
724 |
Liang Ling-Can invents the first fully mechanical clock |
800s |
Gunpowder in China |
852 |
Parachute was invented by Armen Firman |
900 |
Horse collar in Europe |
1041 |
Movable type printing press was invented by Bi Sheng |
1280 |
Eyeglasses |
1350 |
Suspension bridges in Peru |
1450 |
Alphabetic, movable type printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg |
1492 |
Nürnberg Terrestrial Globe by German mapmaker Martin Behaim |
1500 |
Ball bearing was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci together with flying machines, including a helicopter, the first mechanical calculator and one of the first programmable robots |
1510 |
Pocket watch was invented by Peter Henlein |
1540 |
Ether was invented by Valerius Cordus |
1576 |
Ironclad warship was invented by Oda Nobunaga |
1581 |
Pendulum was invented by Galileo Galilei |
1593 |
Thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei |
1608 |
Telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey |
1609 |
Microscope was invented by Galileo Galilei |
1620 |
Slide rule was invented by William Oughtred |
1642 |
Adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal |
1643 |
Barometer was invented by Evangelista Torricelli |
1645 |
Vacuum pump was invented by Otto von Guericke |
1657 |
Pendulum clock was invented by Christiaan Huygens |
1679 |
Pressure cooker was invented by Denis Papin |
1698 |
Steam engine was invented by Thomas Savery |
1700 |
Piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori |
1671 |
Gottfried Leibniz is known as one of the founding fathers of calculus |
1705 |
Steam piston engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen |
1710 |
Thermometer was invented by Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur |
1742 |
Franklin stove was invented by Benjamin Franklin |
1752 |
Lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin |
1767 |
Spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves |
1769 |
Steam engine was invented by James Watt |
1783 |
Parachute was invented by Jean Pierre Blanchard |
1783 |
Hot air balloon was invented by Montgolfier brothers |
1791 |
Steamboat was invented by John Fitch |
1798 |
Vaccination was invented by Edward Jenner |
1804 |
Locomotive was invented by Richard Trevithick |
1814 |
Steam Locomotive (Blucher) was invented by George Stephenson |
1816 |
Miner's safety lamp was invented by Humphry Davy |
1816 |
Stethoscope was invented by Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec |
1820 |
The Arithmometer was the first mass-produced calculator invented by Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar |
1822 |
Charles Babbage designs his first mechanical computer |
1821 |
Electric motor was invented by Michael Faraday |
1826 |
Photography was invented by Joseph Nicephore Niepce |
1830 |
Lawn mower was invented by Edwin Beard Budding |
1834 |
Braille was invented by Louis Braille |
1834 |
Refrigerator was invented by Jacob Perkins |
1834 |
Combine harvester was invented by Hiram Moore |
1835 |
Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse |
1838 |
Electric telegraph was invented by Charles Wheatstone (also Samuel Morse) |
1839 |
Vulcanization of rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear |
1842 |
Anaesthesia was invented by Crawford Long |
1843 |
Typewriter was invented by Charles Thurber |
1846 |
Sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe |
1846 |
Rotary printing press was invented by Richard M. Hoe |
1849 |
Safety pin was invented by Walter Hunt |
1862 |
Revolving machine gun was invented by Richard J. Gatling |
1862 |
Mechanical submarine was invented by Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol |
1866 |
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel |
1870 |
Stock ticker was invented by Thomas Alva Edison |
1876 |
Gasoline carburettor was invented by Daimler |
1877 |
Phonograph was invented by Thomas Alva Edison |
1877 |
Microphone was invented by Emile Berliner |
1878 |
Cathode ray tube was invented by William Crookes |
1880 |
Photophone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell |
1885 |
Motor cycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach |
1891 |
Zipper was invented by Whitcomb L. Judson |
1893 |
Wireless communication was invented by Nikola Tesla |
1895 |
Diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel |
1898 |
Remote control was invented by Nikola |
1901 |
Vacuum cleaner was invented by Hubert Booth |
1903 |
Powered airplane was invented by Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright |
1907 |
Color photography was invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere |
1909 |
Bakelite was invented by Leo Baekeland |
1923 |
Sound film was invented by Lee DeForest |
1924 |
Electro Mechanical television system was invented by John Logie Baird |
1928 |
Antibiotics were invented by Alexander Fleming |
1931 |
Iconoscope was invented by Vladimir Zworykin |
1937 |
Jet engine was invented by Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain |
1938 |
Ballpoint pen was invented by Laszlo Biro |
1943 |
Enigma: Adolf Hitler uses the Enigma encryption machine |
1946 |
Microwave oven was invented by Percy Spencer |
1951 |
Nuclear power reactor was invented by Walter Zinn |
1956 |
Optical fiber was invented by Basil Hirschowitz, C. Wilbur Peters, and Lawrence E. Curtiss |
1957 |
Sputnik I and Sputnik II: Sputnik I and Sputnik II are launched by the Russians |
1958 |
Silicon chip: The first integrated circuit, or silicon chip, is produced by the US Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce |
1960 |
Laser was invented by Theodore Harold Maiman |
1961 |
Optical disc was invented by David Paul Gregg |
1963 |
Computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart |
1967 |
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) was invented by John Shepherd-Barron |
1968 |
Video game console was invented by Ralph H. Baer |
1969 |
ARPANET was invented by United States Department of Defense |
1971 |
E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson |
1973 |
Ethernet was invented by Bob Metcalfe and David Boggs |
1983 |
Camcorder was invented by Sony |
1990 |
World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee |
2001 |
Digital satellite radio |
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