1445 |
Dinis Dias sails the west coast of Africa |
1456 |
:Cape Verde islands are explored by Portuguese |
1470 |
Portuguese begin African exploration |
1488 |
:Bartholomeu Dias of Portugal sails from the Iberian Peninsula to the south of Africa. |
1492 |
:The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus |
1497 |
:John Cabot and his son Sebastian discover Canada, landing on the coast of Newfoundland |
1498 |
:Vasco da Gama sails around the Cape of Good Hope and reaches India |
1499 |
:Alonzo de Ojeda explores Columbia and Venezuela |
1500 |
: Vicente Pinzon and Juan Dias de Solis discover Brazil |
1501 |
: Amerigo Vespucci explores the coast of South America |
1500 |
: Rodrigo de Bastidas and Juan de la Cosa discover Panama |
1508 |
: Juan Dias de Solis explores Argentina |
1513 |
Vasco Nunez de Balboa explores the Pacific coast of Panama and discovers Pacific Ocean |
1516 |
:Juan Dias de Solis explores Uruguay |
1517 |
:Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba explores Yucatan |
1518 |
:Juan de Grijalava explores Mexico |
1519 |
Ferdinand Magellan is the first to go around the world |
1522 |
:Gil Gonzales de Avila and Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba explore Nicaragua & Granada |
1524 |
Giovanni Verrazano discovers New York Bay |
1526 |
:Francisco Montejo explores Yucatan |
1528 |
Panfilo de Narvaez conquers Cuba and explores Florida |
1531 |
: Francisco Pizarro explores Peru |
1532 |
: Francisco Pizarro invades and loots the Incan Empire |
1533 |
: Sebastian de Benalcazar explores Ecuador |
1534 |
:Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River |
1536 |
:Pedro de Mendoza explores Paraguay |
1539 |
Hernando de Soto explores south-eastern North America |
1540 |
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado explores south-western North America |
1541 |
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado explores Kansas |
1542 |
Cabrillo explores and discovers the Californian coast |
1559 |
Tristan de Luna explores North America |
1562 |
John Hawkins sails to Africa |
1563 |
Francisco de Ibarra explores New Mexico |
1576 |
Sir Martin Frobisher explores Baffin Bay and the Hudson Strait |
1577 |
Sir Francis Drake circumnavigates the world - December 13 1577 to September 26 1580 |
1584 |
Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe (both in the service of Sir Walter Raleigh) explore the coast of North Carolina |
1585 |
Sir Walter Raleigh establishes the Roanoke colony |
1593 |
Sir Richard Hawkins travels to the South Pacific |
1595 |
Sir Walter Raleigh seeks golden city of El Dorado in South America |
1598 |
Juan de Archuleta explores Colorado |
1607 |
Captain John Smith explorer and founder of Jamestown |
1609 |
Henry Hudson explored parts of the Arctic Ocean and northeastern North America including the Hudson River |
1642 |
Abel Tasman explores Tasmania and New Zealand |
1652 |
Jan van Riebeeck explores Africa and founded Cape Town |
1768 |
Captain James Cook discovers New Zealand |
1791 |
George Vancouver explores Canada |
1804 |
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explore the Louisiana Territory |
1820 |
Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen becomes the first person to see the Antarctic continent |
1843 |
Dr. David Livingstone explores Africa |
1897 |
Adrien de Gerlache explores Antarctica |
1912 |
Roald Amundsen first on the South Pole followed by Robert F. Scott, Edward Wilson, Edgar Evans and Lawrence Oates |
1959 |
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first Man in Space |
1969 |
Moon Landing Neil Armstrong commander of the Apollo 11 mission, accompanied by Buzz Aldrin while their team mate Michael Collins controlled the command module Columbia |