Nursery Rhymes

Timeline of Humans

The Timeline of Humans traces the stages in human evolution.

All humans belong to the same species originating in Africa.

Studies of human evolution usually include hominids.

The immediate ancestors of humans were members of the genus Australopithecus.

The Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens.

Timeline of Humans

  • Interesting Information via the Timeline of Humans - History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Useful database of history and this Timeline of Humans containing interesting facts & information

4 Billion years ago


The Earth was born - Formation of the Earth and the Moon

208 to 145 Million years ago


Jurassic Period
The "Age of the Dinosaurs" (Humans did not live during this era!)

145 to 65 Million years


The dinosaurs disappeared

65 Million to 1.6 Million years ago


Many mammals developed including primitive whales, rodents, cats, and rhinos appeared.

2 Million to 4 Million years ago


Apes such as the gorilla, gibbon and chimpanzee appeared
The apes were primarily quadrupedal, or four-footed.
The apes and man are are primates and close relatives

2 Million to 4 Million years ago


The hominids appeared: A hominid is any of the two-legged primates. Australopithecus is an extinct genus of hominids.  The name means "Southern Ape". The Australopithecus is the earliest species of Australopithecus, and lived in eastern Africa. Its brain was about the same size as a chimpanzee.
Australopithecus afarensis: The earliest hominid
Australopithecus africanus meaning the "southern ape of Africa"
Australopithecus robustus meaning the "robust southern ape"
Australopithecus boisei deriving from a name meaning means "East Africa man"

2 Million years ago


Homo habilis, an upright East African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics developed from the Australopithecus. Homo habilis is considered to be the oldest human-like species of Homo.

1.8 Million years ago


Homo erectus meaning "upright man" appeared
These are called bipedal, or two-footed, upright walkers
The term "erectus" refers to the upright posture.

600,000–350,000 years ago


Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) an extinct species or subspecies of the genus Homo which is closely related to modern humans

350,000 years ago to present day


Homo Sapiens: The term "Homo sapiens" means "wise human being". The first Homo Sapiens had a heavier build and were stronger than modern humans. Homo Sapiens were the first prehistoric people to inhabit large areas of Europe, Asia and Australia. They were the 'hunter gatherers'. The first Homo Sapiens appeared in America much later.

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