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Bloody Mary Timeline

The daughter of King Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon
Her early life and childhood - her sister Elizabeth and brother Edward
Date the Catholic queen ascends to the throne
Her childless marriage to Philip of Spain and persecution of Protestants
The death and burial of Bloody Mary

Short Biography of Bloody Mary

Date of Birth: Born on June 1, 1516 Place of Birth: Greenwich, London
Father: King Henry VIII of England Mother: Catherine of Aragon
Background Facts, Information & Ancestry: She was the granddaughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and King Henry VII

Bloody Mary Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Bloody Mary Timeline - Life, History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the Bloody Mary Timeline



Mary was born in Greenwich in London



The start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany when Martin Luther nails his "95 Theses" against the Catholic practice of selling indulgences, on the church door at Wittenberg



Her father, King Henry VIII, becomes totally obsessed Anne Boleyn and he no longer has any interest in her mother



Anne Boleyn becomes pregnant



Thomas Cranmer grants the annulment of the marriage between her mother and father

January 25th: Her father marries Anne Boleyn and is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII

7 September: Her half sister Elizabeth is born - her position is usurped by the new baby Princess

Queen Catherine of Aragon, mother of Mary Tudor, is given the title of the Princess Dowager of Wales which she refuses to ever acknowledge



King Henry VIII breaks with the Church in Rome and the Act of Supremacy is passed King Henry VIII the head of the Church of England

Her mother is moved to different castles in England and Mary is forbidden from seeing her mother due to Catherine of Aragon's stubborn obstinate refusal to accept the annulment of her marriage.

23 March: Act of Succession. Only the children of King Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn were deemed to be his lawful heirs

The title of Princess Mary was reduced to the Lady Mary and she was declared a bastard.



January 7: Catherine of Aragon dies at Kimbolton Castle

May 19th: Queen Anne Boleyn is executed on Tower Hill after being accused of treason. incest and witchcraft

30th May: King Henry marries Jane Seymour



Jane Seymour dies after the birth of a son, the future King Edward VI and Mary's half-brother

Both Princess Elizabeth and Princess Mary are declared bastards



6 January: Marriage between King Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves which is is quickly annulled

July 28: 49 year old King Henry marries 19 year old Catherine Howard ( who was a cousin of Anne Boleyn)



February 13: The marriage between Catherine Howard ends in tragedy when Catherine Howard is  executed for adultery



12th July:  King Henry VIII marries his sixth wife, Catherine Parr



28 January:  The father of Mary Tudor, King Henry VIII dies and the young, half brother of Mary Tudor is proclaimed King Edward VI



6 July: Her step brother dies leaving the throne to Protestant 'Lady Jane Grey and her heirs male' instead of Mary

July 10: Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen of England

July 19 Lady Jane Grey was deposed as Queen and Mary finally takes the crown as Queen of England



February 12: Lady Jane Grey is executed at the Tower of London under the orders of Bloody Mary

Protestant rebellion, led by Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger

March 18: Mary sends Princess Elizabeth to the Tower under suspicion of being involved in the rebellion

May 19: Princess Elizabeth released from the Tower of London

July 25 : Mary marries Philip of Spain ( who becomes King Phillip II of Spain) she was eleven years older than Philip

She announces that she is pregnant but it is a phantom pregnancy

England forced to return to Roman Catholicism

Protestants are persecuted and 300 are burnt at the stake which leads to her nickname of Bloody Mary



Accepts Princess Elizabeth as heir to the throne

October 16: The Protestant churchmen Latimer and Ridley are burned at the stake

Philip II leaves Mary and returns to Spain



March 21: Thomas Cranmer, former Archbishop of Canterbury is burned at the stake



August 10: Battle of St. Quentin - Spanish and English troops in alliance defeat the French



November 17: Queen Mary I dies at St. James's Palace in London

December 14: Her body is interred in Westminster Abbey

Bloody Mary Timeline

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