Nursery Rhymes

John Cabot Timeline

The life and times of this famous early explorer
Important dates and events in his life and details of his family
His exploration of Greenland that he named Labrador's Land
 Sailing to Nova Scotia and New England
His return to England and the date of his death

Why was John Cabot famous?
John Cabot was famous as the famous explorer of the coastline of Canada and its subsequent colonization. Cabot was the second European to find North America (after Christopher Columbus). His son, Sebastian Cabot, accompanied his father on many voyages.

John Cabot Timeline

  • Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the John Cabot Timeline



Short Biography of John Cabot
Date of Birth: Born in 1450 as Giovanni Caboto
Place of Birth : Genoa in Italy
Parents: Father - Guilo Caboto, a spice merchant
Sons: Ludovico, Sebastiano, and Sancto
Background Facts, Information & Ancestry : ‘Caboto’ means “a coastal seaman” which was a common name given to Italian sailors and navigators



John Cabot was born as Giovanni Caboto in the Italian port of Genoa



John Cabot moved to Venice with his family. John Cabot helped with the family spice trading business

Education: John Cabot was taught cartography, navigation, astronomy, mathematics and seamanship



John Cabot married a girl called Mattea. John and Mattea Cabot had three sons called Ludovico, Sebastiano, and Sancto



:Obtained Venetian citizenship and was naturalized on 28 March, 1476



Moved to the sea port of Bristol in England



March 5: The English King Henry VII granted John Cabot the right to 'seek islands and countries of the heathen towards the west, east, and north' sailing under the English flag



May 2: John Cabot boards his ship, the Matthew, to explore the lands across the Atlantic, hoping to find a north west passage to the Indies and China.

June 9: John Cabot reaches the New World - at either Cape Breton Island or Labrador

26 June: Begins his return voyage

August 6: John Cabot and his crew of the Matthew land in Bristol and achieved great fame and glory. He was given a gift of £10 for having "found the new isle" and King Henry VII also granted him a pension of £20 a year



February 3: John Cabot granted another patent to undertake a second expedition - to "take at his pleasure VI englisshe shippes and theym convey and lede to the londe and iles of late founde by the seid John." John Cabot assembles a small fleet of 5 ships and 300 men

July 25: The fleet headed north then sailed along the east coast of America past Newfoundland. One of the ships had to go to an Irish port because of damage. The remaining four ships of the John Cabot fleet continue their journey across the Atlantic

Cabot reaches the east coast of Greenland which he named Labrador's Land

June 11: The journey was made difficult by icebergs and the cold. The crews mutinied and refused to proceed farther North so John Cabot had no alternative but to turn South along the coast of Greenland. He crossed the Davis Strait on to Baffin Land on to Newfoundland and followed the coast Nova Scotia and New England

At this point the John Cabot ships sailed for England



The death of John Cabot

There is no accurate record of the date or reason for the death of John Cabot but his pension continued to be paid unti1 1499. It seems reasonable to assume that John Cabot reached England with his returning fleet

John Cabot Timeline

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