| John Cabot Timeline |
The life and times of this famous early explorer Important dates and events in his life and details of his family His exploration of Greenland that he named Labrador's Land Sailing to Nova Scotia and New England His return to England and the date of his death |
Why was John Cabot famous? John Cabot was famous as the famous explorer of the coastline of Canada and its subsequent colonization. Cabot was the second European to find North America (after Christopher Columbus). His son, Sebastian Cabot, accompanied his father on many voyages. John Cabot Timeline - Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the John Cabot Timeline
| Short Biography of John Cabot Date of Birth: Born in 1450 as Giovanni Caboto Place of Birth : Genoa in Italy Parents: Father - Guilo Caboto, a spice merchant Sons: Ludovico, Sebastiano, and Sancto Background Facts, Information & Ancestry : ‘Caboto’ means “a coastal seaman” which was a common name given to Italian sailors and navigators |