Kings and Queens of England Timeline

Kings and Queens of England Timeline

Kings and Queens of England Timeline ( 1066 - Present Day)
The dates when the kings and queens ruled England
The dates start with William the Conqueror and end with Queen Elizabeth II
The kings and queens of the Middle Ages
The Tudor and Stuart monarchs
The dates the kings and queens ruled England
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  Date Reign beganName of King or QueenYears Reigned
  1066King William the Conqueror1066-1087
  1087King William Rufus (son of William)1087-1100
  1100King Henry I (William Rufus brother)1100-1135
  1135King Stephen (nephew of Henry I) 1135-1154
  1154King Henry II (grandson of Henry I) 1154-1189
  1189King Richard I (third son of Henry II)1189-1199
  1199King John (fifth son of Henry II)1199-1216
  1216King Henry III (son of John)1216-1272
  1272King Edward I (son of Henry III)1272-1307
  1307King Edward II (son of Edward I)1307-1327
  1327King Edward III (son of Edward II)1327-1377
  1377King Richard II (grandson of Edward III, son of the Black Prince)1377-1399
  1399King Henry IV (grandson of Edward III, son of John of Gaunt)1399-1413
  1413King Henry V (son of Henry IV)1413-1422
  1422King Henry VI (son of Henry V)1422-1461
  1461King Edward IV ( youngest son of Edward III )1461-1483
  1483King Richard III (uncle of Edward V)1483-1485
  1485Henry VII  (grandson of Henry V)1485-1509
  1509Henry VIII ( son of Henry VII)1509-1547
  1547Edward V (Henry's son by Jane Seymour)1547-1553
  1553Mary (Henry's daughter by Queen Katherine of Aragon)1553-1558
  1558Elizabeth I (Henry's daughter by Anne Boleyn)1558-1603
  1603James I (great-great-grandson of Henry VII)1603-1625
  1625Charles I (second son of James)1625-1649
  1649The Commonwealth under the Cromwell rule 1649 - 1659
  1660Charles II (oldest son of Charles I)1660-1685
  1685James II (brother of Charles II)1685-1688
  1689William of Orange (grandson of Charles I) and Mary (daughter of James II)1689-1694
  1694William III - Ruled alone after death of Mary1694 - 1702
  1702Anne (sister of Mary)1702-1714
  1714George I (great-grandson of James I)1714-1727
  1727George II (son of George I)1727-1760
  1760George III (grandson of George II)1760-1820
  1820George IV (son of George III)1820-1830
  1830William IV (brother of George IV)1830-1837
  1837Victoria (niece of William IV)1837-1901
  1901Edward VII (son of Victoria and Albert)1901-1910
  1910George V (second son of Edward VII)1910-1936
  1936Edward VIII (son of George V) 
  1936George VI (second son of George V)1936-1952
  1952Elizabeth II (daughter of George VI) 
Kings and Queens of England Timeline

Kings and Queens of England Timeline
History Timelines of People provide fast facts and information about famous people in history, such as those detailed in the Kings and Queens of England Timeline, who precipitated a significant change in World history. This historical timeline is suitable for students of all ages, children and kids. The timeline of Kings and Queens of England details each important life event with related historical events and arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of the past major and important events in their life. The History timeline of famous people provides fast information via a time line which highlights the key dates and events of the life of famous people such as Kings and Queens of England in a fast information format, a concise and and accurate life biography. The life of this major historical figure is arranged by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of past events which were significant to this famous figure in history as detailed on the Kings and Queens of England Timeline. The lives of many historical people and figures, such as the life biography detailed in the Kings and Queens of England timeline, occurred during times of crisis or evolution or change. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of the life and biography and timeline of Kings and Queens of England.

Kings and Queens of England Timeline

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Timeline of Kings and Queens of EnglandTimeline of Kings and Queens of England