Nursery Rhymes

Harriet Tubman Timeline

The famous African-American abolitionist
The U.S. Civil War
Rescuing slaves via the the 'Underground Railroad'
Her involvement in women's suffrage
Her death in 1913

Why was Harriet Tubman famous?
Harriet Tubman was famous as an African-American abolitionist and Union spy during the U.S. Civil War and the role she played in rescuing slaves via the the 'Underground Railroad' and women's suffrage

Harriet Tubman Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Harriet Tubman Timeline - Life, History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the Harriet Tubman Timeline



Short Biography of Harriet Tubman
Date of Birth: Born c1820
Place of Birth : Dorchester County, Maryland
Parents: Father - Ben Ross
             Mother: Harriet Greene RossBackground Facts, Information & Ancestry: Harriet Tubman believed that she was of Ashanti lineage, from what is now Ghana. Her parents and Harriet were slaves. Her mother was initially owned by Mary Pattison Brodess and later her son Edward. Her father was owned by the second husband of Mary Pattison Brodess called Anthony Thompson. Ben and Harriet Greene Ross had nine children Linah, born in 1808, Mariah Ritty in 1811, Soph in 1813, Robert in 1816, Harriet in 1820, Ben in 1823, Rachel in 1825, Henry in 1830, and Moses in 1832.



The first African slaves are brought to Virginia



The parents of Harriet Trubman were married



Linah was born



Her sister Mariah Ritty was born



Her sister Soph was born



Her brother Robert was born



The timeline of Harriet Trubman starts when Araminta Ross was born c 1820 to Ben and Harriet Greene Ross. She was given the nickname of "Minty". She would later become famous as Harriet Tubman. Her place of birth was Dorchester County Maryland



Her brother Ben was born



Her sister Rachel was born



Her brother Henry was born



Her brother Moses was born



Harriet Trubman was hired out to a woman named "Miss Susan" as a nursemaid and later a planter named James Cook. She was beaten by both her owners



Edward Brodess sold three of the children (Linah, Mariah Ritty, and Soph)



Harriet was sent to work in the fields - it was tantamount to hard labor



She was hit in the head by overseer for trying to help a slave, which she said "broke my skull".



Her father Ben was manumitted – released from slavery



Harriet married a free black man called John Tubman and soon after her marriage she changed her name from Araminta (Minty) to Harriet



Harriet became ill and Edward Brodess tried to sell her as her value as a slave was decreasing - he failed



17 September 1849 - Harriet and her brothers Ben and Henry escaped from slavery



3 October 1849 - A Runaway notice was posted in the Cambridge Democrat which offered a reward of up to one hundred dollars for each slave returned



Harriet and her two brothers returned to their owners, fearful of repercussions to the family



Harriet Tubman contacted the network known as the Underground Railroad asking for their help in a further escape plane. She was successful in her escape and fled to the North



She worked in a hotel in Philadelphia.



The U.S. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, enabling law enforcement officials, even in states which had outlawed slavery, to aid in the capture of runaway slaves. Heavy fines and punishments were imposed on anyone who abetted the escape of runaway slaves.



December -  Harriet Trubman arranged with William Still via the Underground Railroad to rescue her sister, brother-in-law and their two children from slavery



Again using the Underground Railroad rescued her brother Moses



Discovered her husband's infidelity. He subsequently married another woman



At this point Harriet Trubman became an active Underground Railroad operator and during her lifetime helped rescue many hundreds of slaves escape to New York, New England, and Canada



She was able to rescue her parents



Harriet Trubman met the abolitionist John Brown



John Browns raid on Harper's Ferry



Abolitionist US Senator William H. Seward sold Harriet Tubman a small farm on the outskirts of Auburn, New York



Abraham Lincoln elected President of the US and the Civil War starts



Harriet went to Troy, New York where she met Charles Nalle and undertook her last mission to Maryland



Harriet Tubman was never captured and neither were the slaves that she helped. Many years later, she told an audience: "I was conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can't say – I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger."



Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation



The Civil War ends. Lincoln is assassinated. The 13th amendment to Constitution abolishes slavery



Harriet Tubman returned to Auburn at the end of the war



14th amendment to the Constitution grants citizenship to former slaves



Harriet Tubman meets a Civil War veteran named Nelson Davis



18 March 1869 she married Nelson Davis at the Central Presbyterian Church



Sarah H. Bradford wrote an authorized biography entitled Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman which was published in this year



15th amendment to Constitution prohibits states from denying the right to vote because of race



Harriet was swindled out of her money by a con involving gold money transfers



Harriet and Nelson adopt a baby girl named Gertie



In her later years Harriet Tubman began attending meetings of suffragist organizations where she met women such as Susan B. Anthony and Emily Howland



Harriet Tubman died of pneumonia on 10 March 1913.

Harriet Tubman Timeline

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