1902 |
This timeline starts on February 1 1902 when James Mercer Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, second child of Carrie Langston Hughes and James Hughes |
1903-1907 |
His parents separated and Langston Hughes move home repeatedly staying with relatives and friends |
1907-1915 |
Hughes lived with his grandmother, Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston, in Lawrence, Kansas, and briefly with his mother in Topeka, Kansas. |
1915-1920 |
During this period he lives with his mother in Lincoln, Illinois, and in Cleveland, Ohio where he attended high school where he graduated on June 16, 1920 |
1920-1921 |
Langston Hughes lives with his father in Toluca, Mexico |
1924 |
Langston enrolls at Columbia University in September study engineering as agreed with is father but becomes involved with writers in Harlem and publishes "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". He drops out of Columbia University travels to Africa, Holland, and Paris. In November 1924, Hughes returned to the U. S. to live with his mother in Washington, D.C. |
1925 |
Hughes wins the Opportunity magazine poetry contest for "The Weary Blues" |
1926 |
The Weary Blues is published by Alfred Knopf and Hughes enrolls in Lincoln University, a HBCU in Chester County, Pennsylvania |
1927 |
Hughes second book of poems, Fine Clothes to the Jew, is published by Alfred Knopf |
1929 |
Hughes receives a B.A. degree from Lincoln University |
1930 |
Hughes publishes his novel, Not Without Laughter, The Dream Keeper and Other Poems |
1932 |
He goes to the Soviet Union to make a film depicting the plight of many blacks living in the United States |
1934 |
The Ways of White Folks, a collection of short stories, is published |
1935 |
Hughes's play, "Mulatto," opens on Broadway |
1937 |
Langston Hughes travels to Spain as a correspondent for the Baltimore Afro-American and other various African American newspapers |
1941 |
Hughes establishes his theatre troupe in Los Angeles and publishes The Big Sea, his first autobiography |
1943 |
Hughes begins writing columns for the Chicago Defender. |
1949 |
He spent three months at the integrated University of Chicago Laboratory Schools as a "Visiting Lecturer on Poetry" |
1950 |
Simple Speaks His Mind, a collection of short fiction, is published. |
1951 |
Hughes publishes Montage of a Dream Deferred, a collection of poetry. |
1956 |
I Wonder As I Wander, Hughes's second autobiography, is published. |
1960 |
The NAACP awardS Langston Hughes the Spingarn Medal for distinguished achievements by an African American |
1961 |
Hughes was inducted into the National Institute of Arts and Letters and publishes Ask Your Mama: Twelve Moods for Jazz, a collection of poetry |
1967 |
Hughes Died May 22, 1967 (aged 65) in New York, United States |
1973 |
The first Langston Hughes Medal was awarded by the City College of New York. |
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