4 BC |
Birth of Jesus - Historians generally assume Jesus was born between 6 BC - 4 BC |
4 BC |
The infant Jesus is visited in Bethlehem by the Three Wise Men and the Shepherds |
4 BC |
Herod orders the "Massacre of the Innocents" — the killing of all male children in Bethlehem aged two years and under. |
4 BC |
Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus flee to Egypt |
4 BC |
Death of Herod the Great |
4 BC |
Three sons of Herod divide up rule of Palestine under Roman Authority
4 BC |
Birth of John the Baptist - John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus (Luke 1:36) |
0 AD |
Traditional Date of the Birth of Jesus |
Due to the conflict regarding dates we have continued the |
Age 12 |
Jesus visits the Temple in Jerusalem |
Age 12 - 30 |
Jesus works as a carpenter in Nazareth |
Timeline of Jesus aged 30 |
Jesus is baptised in the River Jordan in Judea by John the Baptist |
Jesus in the Wilderness - Judea |
Jesus hails Andrew, Simon, Philip, And Nathaniel - Bethabara |
Miracle of turning the water into wine and drives the moneymakers from the temple - Cana. Jerusalem |
Nighttime visit Of Nicodemus—Christ enlightens him - Jerusalem. |
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - Samaria: Sychar |
Miracle at Cana in Galilee |
Pool of Bethesda - Jerusalem |
Jesus Reads in the Nazareth Synagogue - Nazareth. Capernaum |
Timeline of Jesus aged 31 |
Jesus at the Sea of Galilee, Christ chooses the four - Galilee: Capernaum |
Sermon on the Mount- Near Capernaum |
Miracle of the Leper - By Lake Gennesaret. Capernaum |
Matthew is Called by Jesus - Capernaum |
Jesus in the Cornfield on the Sabbath - Capernaum. |
Jesus & the Twelve Disciples - Near Capernaum |
Jesus and the imprisonment of John the Baptist - Galilee, near Cana |
Jesus and the Multitudes at the Shore - Capernaum: Sea of Galilee |
Jairus’ Daughter Healed - Capernaum |
Timeline of Jesus aged 32 |
Jesus Teaches in the Synagogue - Nazareth. Capernaum |
Mission of the Twelve Disciples - Nazareth. Capernaum |
Herod Seeks Out Jesus - Decapolis: Bethsaida |
Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes - Bethsaida |
Jesus Walks on the Water - Sea of Galilee. Gennesaret |
Jesus and the Pharisees- Capernaum |
Jesus and the Woman of Canaan - Phenicia. Decapolis |
Feeding the Multitude - Decapolis. Dalmanutha. Bethsaida |
Jesus Foretells his Own Fate - Cesarea Philippi. |
The Transfiguration - On, and near, Mt. Hermon |
Jesus Foretells his Death and Resurrection - Galilee. Capernaum |
Feast of the Tabernacle - Jerusalem. Galilee. |
Jesus Questioned by the Jews - Jerusalem. |
The Lords Prayer- Perea |
Sermon to the Innumerable Multitude - Perea. |
Journey To Jerusalem - Perea. Bethany |
Timeline of Jesus aged 33 |
Jesus and Lazarus - Perea. Bethany. Perea |
Jesus Journeys Through Samaria and Galilee - Galilee. Samaria. Perea |
He tells of Imminent Betrayal - Perea |
Miracle of the Two Blind Beggars - Jericho |
The Mount of Olives - Bethphage. Jerusalem |
In the Temple - Jerusalem, in the Temple |
Mary and Martha - Bethany. |
The Passover Supper - Bethany. Jerusalem: Upper Room |
The Last Supper - Jerusalem: Upper Room |
Garden at Gethsemane - Mount of Olives. Gethsemane |
Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus - Gethsemane. Jerusalem |
The Trial of Jesus - Jerusalem. |
Pontius Pilate - Jerusalem. |
The Crucifixion - Jerusalem. Golgotha: Calvary. |
The Sepulchre - Jerusalem: The Sepulchre |
The Resurrection - Jerusalem: The Sepulchre |
Doubting Thomas - Emmaus. Jerusalem |
Jesus After the Resurrection - Sea of Galilee |
The Ascension - Galilee. Mt. Olivet. Bethany |
Timeline of Jesus |
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