| Costa Rican Timeline |
Important people, dates and events in Costa Rica The Caribs, Borucas, Chibchas, and Diquis Juan de Cavallon and the Spanish colonists The Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata Costa Rica becomes fully independent
Costa Rican Timeline - Interesting Information via the Costa Rican Timeline - Time line History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
- Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the Costa Rican Timeline
| The indigenous tribes living in Costa Rica were the Caribs, Borucas, Chibchas, and Diquis |
| September 18: Christopher Columbus visits the area and names it Costa Rica which translates as Rich Coast |
| Juan de Cavallon leads the first successful Costa Rican colonisers from Spain |