Nursery Rhymes

History India Timeline

Important Indian people, dates and events
The Vedas, the Hindu scripture written
Buddhism was founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama
The British Raj
Country divided into India and Pakistan

History India Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the History India Timeline - Time line History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the History India Timeline

2500 BC


Dravidian civilization

1500 BC


Aryans invade India and conquered the Dravidians

1400 BC


The Vedas, the Hindu scripture, was written

800 BC


800-600 BC The sacred scripture, the Upanishads written

518 BC


Persians conquered Pakistan

500 BC


Buddhism was founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama

500 BC


Jainism was founded in India by Mahavira Jains

326 BC


Alexander the Great moved into India

324 BC


The Mauryan Empire was established by Chandragupta Maurya including Afghanistan and parts of central Asia

272 BC


Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, becomes the emperor of India

185 BC


The Maurya Empire ended

50 AD


The Kushans established an empire in northern India



The Gupta Indian dynasty reunited northern India initiating the "golden Age" of India



Muslim armies from Arabia invade India



Qutb ub-din Aybak establishes the Delhi Sultanate



Timur conquered India resulting in the decline of the Delhi Sultanate



Vasco da Gamabecomes the first European explorer to reach India



Christianity was introduced to India by the Europeans and in the early 1500s Sikhism was founded by Nana



Babur established the Mughal Empire



Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the East India Company established trading posts in Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras



Shah Jahan, the ruler of the Mughal Empire, builds the Taj Mahal



The Strict Muslim, Aurangzeb, ruled India and tried to force Hindus to convert to Islam



The Battle of Plassey: Robert Clive, an agent of the East India Company, leads forces which defeated the Mughal governor of Bengal



Warren Hastings appointed the first governor general of India by the East India Company



The Sepoy Rebellion



The British government ruled India via an Indian Viceroy- called the British Raj



Queen Victoria was given the title Empress of India by the British Parliament



Burma became an Indian province
The Indian National Congress was formed



The British government divided Bengal into separate Hindu and Muslim sections



1914 - 1918 World War 1



13 April:  The Amritsar Massacre



Mohandas Gandhi became the leader of the Indian independence movement and the Indian National Congress



The Government of India Act and the creation of a new constitution



3 September:  The United Kingdom declared war on Germany and World War 2began



Muhammad Ali Jinnah demanded that a new country be formed from India for the Muslims, which would be called Pakistan



August: World War II ended when United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki



The British government agreed to grant India independence



16 August: Indian Muslims held nation-wide demonstrations calling for the establishment of Pakistan



British and Indian leaders agreed to divide the country into India and Pakistan
15 August 1947 India became independent



30 January: Gandhi was assassinated



26 January:  A new Indian Constitution was ratified and Jawaharlal Nehru became the Indian first prime minister

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