Timeline History Of Israel

Timeline History of Israel

Timeline History of Israel
Important people, dates and events in Israel
When the Romans and Arabs conquered the region
Conflict between the Jewish and Arab populations
The World Wars and the Yom Kippur War
Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty
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  1500 BCAbraham, the father of the Jewish People, lived during this era 
  63 BCThe Romans conquered the region 
  66 AD66-70 AD the Jews stage a rebellion against the Roman rule 
  132132-135 AD The Romans forced the Jews to leave the region of Israel when it then became known as Palestine 
  600sThe Arabs conquered the region 
   1000s -1200s The Crusades when Christians tried to claim the area and particularly Jerusalem 
  1800sThe Zionists start a movement to set up a Jewish state in Palestine 
  1900s Conflict between the Jewish and Arab populations 
  19141914 - 1918 World War I 
  1917The Balfour Declaration issued by Great Britain supporting the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine 
  19391939-1945 World War II and the Holocaust when approximately 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis 
  1945August: The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
  1947The United Nations divided the region into an Arab and a Jewish state 
  194817 May: The Nation of Israel was established 
  1949Israel take half of the Arab state 
  1950The Law of Return was passed allowing any Jew, with just a few exceptions, to settle in Israel 
  1967Six-Day War, Jerusalem reunited.
Israel occupies the Gaza Strip and the West bank at the end of one of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts
  19681968-1970 Egypt's War of Attrition against Israel 
  1973Yom Kippur War  
  1979Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty 
  1984Operation Moses, immigration of Jews from Ethiopia 
  1992New government headed by Yitzhak Rabin 
  1995Prime Minister Rabin assassinated at peace rally and Shimon Peres becomes prime minister 
  2000September 28: Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount  
Timeline History of Israel

Timeline History of Israel
The History Timeline of Places, including the Timeline History of Israel, provides fast facts and information about this famous place with its history and the most important events of the country detailed together with related historical events which arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of events in the Timeline History of Israel. The Timeline History of Israel provides fast information via this time line which highlights the key dates and events of the famous place in a fast information format with concise and accurate facts and information in the order of their occurrence. The Timeline History of Israel includes a chronology of this important place and its history. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details via the Timeline History of Israel. This History timeline of a famous place is suitable for children and kids and include many important events of significant occurrence and outcome which are detailed in the Timeline History of Israel.

Timeline History of Israel

  • Interesting Information via the Timeline History of Israel - Time line History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
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  • Useful time line database of history and this Timeline History of Israel containing interesting chronology of facts & information
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  • Famous people, famous places and countries and famous events via comprehensive Timeline History of Israel

Timeline History of Israel

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Timeline History of IsraelTimeline History of Israel