0 |
The birth of Jesus Christ |
14AD |
Death of Augustus and Tiberius, stepson of Caesar Augustus, becomes emperor until 37AD |
33 AD |
Crucifixion of Jesus in the Roman province of Jerusalem and the origin of Christianity |
200 AD |
The German Visigoths conquered the region |
370 |
The Huns, led by Attilla, conquered the Goths and took control |
800s |
Eastern Slavs settled in different regions in Russia |
862 |
Rurik, a Varangian prince ruled the region which became known as the Land of the Rus |
988 |
Grand Prince Vladimir I converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church |
1200 |
1200 - 1480 The Mogols led by Genghis Khan, conquered Russia |
1480 |
Ivan III freed Russia from the Mongols |
1547 |
Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) became the first Czar |
1682 |
Peter the Great became Czar |
1762 |
Catherine the Great became empress |
1801 |
Alexander I became Czar |
1812 |
Napoleon Bonaparte led troops into Russia but was defeated |
1825 |
Nicholas I became Czar |
1853 |
The Crimean War broke out between Russia and the Ottoman Empire |
1867 |
Russia sold Alaska to the United States |
1894 |
Nicholas II became Czar |
1898 |
The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was established by the Marxists |
1903 |
Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks |
1914 |
World War I broke out and the Russians fought the Germans and Austrians |
1917 |
Revolutionaries overthrew the Russian government |
1918 |
July : Czar Nicholas II and his family were murdered |
1924 |
Lenin died |
1929 |
Stalin became the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) |
1939 |
German forces invaded Poland resulting in World War 2 |
1945 |
May, Berlin fell to Russia |
1953 |
Stalin dies and is succeeded by Nikita Krushev |
1957 |
The Soviet Union launches Sputnik |
1959 |
The communists led by Fidel Castro win the civil war in Cuba |
1961 |
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first astronaut |
1962 |
The Cuban Missile Crisis - Click the following link Cuban Timeline |
1964 |
Krushev replaced by Leonid Brezhnev |
1965 |
The Soviet Union backs North Vietnam against the USA |
1985 |
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union initiating a campaign of openness called "glasnost" and restructuring called "perestroika" |
1986 |
The nuclear accident in Chernobyl |
1989 |
The Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan |
1990 |
Boris Yeltsin is elected president |
1991 |
The Soviet Union is dismantled and Russia becomes an independent federation |
1999 |
Yeltsin resigns and Vladimir Putin is his successor |
2002 |
Russia becomes an ally of NATO |
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