| Timeline of South Africa |
Important South African people, dates and events The Zulus. Khoi, San, and Xhosa The Dutch East India Company The Policy of apartheid and Nelson Mandela Apartheid laws and international sanctions lifted |
3000BC - 1000BC: Evidence of migration of people from Somalia and Ethiopia The Zulus, who belong to the Nguni-speaking peoples, constitute the majority of the population. Other tribes include the Khoi, San, and Xhosa Timeline of South Africa - Interesting Information via the Timeline of South Africa - Time line History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
- Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the Timeline of South Africa
| Migration of the Bantu peoples into South Africa |
| South African Trade with the Arabs and Phoenicians in ivory, rhino horn, gold, shells and slaves |