Nursery Rhymes

Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline

 Scots-Irish people trace their ancestry to Scotland descending from the Protestant Presbyterians who originated in the Scottish lowlands, but emigrated to Ireland. The term Scots-Irish distinguishes the Protestant Irish of Scottish ancestry with the Irish Catholics.

The History Timeline of Scots-Irish Immigration to America is extremely important and reflects important dates and events that prompted the emigration of people from Ireland. The History Timeline of Scots-Irish Immigration to America includes important dates and events in the history of Ireland that contributed to the push and pull factors which led to mass immigration from Ireland.

Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline
The Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline highlights the Push and Pull factors of immigration such as political and religious persecution, wars that occured in Ireland together with dates of any natural disasters such as floods, plague, crop failures and famine.

The dates and types of religious and political conflicts and the natural disasters that afflicted Ireland are highlighted in the Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline enabling kids and students to understand the history of immigration to the United States. Also refer to the Timeline of Irish Immigration to America.

Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline
According to the US Bureau of the Census of 2011 a total of 5,102,858 Americans claimed to be solely or partially of Scots-Irish descent. Scots-Irish-Americans made a significant impact on the culture of Americans and the history of the United States as can be seen in the following timeline detailing these immigrants to America.  



The "Ulster Plantation" is established by King James I who confiscates over half a million acres of Irish land to be colonized by English-speaking, Protestant rent-paying tenants.



From 1609 over 200,000 Protestant Presbyterians from the lowlands of Scotland emigrate to the "Ulster Plantation" in Ireland. Their descendents are referred to as the Scots-Irish.



The Lord Deputy of Ireland established the Irish linen industry



The Linen Trade began and Scots-Irish traveled to America on the linen trade merchant ships. Philadelphia was the main destination port of the linen trade route and the first immigrants settled in the town.



The first migrants introduced flax growing and the production of linen to America. Communities are established in New England, the Ohio Valley, the Carolinas and Georgia.



The Irish Famine of 1740 - 1741 also known as the Year of Slaughter or the Great Frost hit Ireland in which an estimated 38% o the population died. Levels of emigration substantially increased due to this dreadful event.



Following the death and destruction caused by the Great Frost Colonel James Patten was granted 120,000 acres of land in the Blue Ridge mountains and Appalachian regions of America - the 'Backcountry'.  Colonel Patten sold plots of land in the 'Backcountry' to other Scots-Irish settlers and another significant community of immigrants was established.



Settlement in the frontier lands led Scots-Irish-Americans migrants to become heavily involved in fighting the French and Indian War (1754–1763) and Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763–1766)



Many of the settlers fought against British tyranny in the American War of Independence (1775–1783)



The resolutions made in the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence were passed on May 31, 1775 at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Mecklenburg County in North Carolina had a large population of Scots-Irish citizens and it is claimed that Mecklenburg was the first of the 13 colonies to declare their independence from Great Britain.



The Declaration of Independence includes signers of Scots-Irish descent



The Scotch-Irish migrants played a major role in another revolt - the Whiskey Rebellion. The Whiskey Rebellion involved farmers of western Carolina and Pennsylvania who refused to pay the tax collectors.



Between 1720 and 1800 Scots-Irish Immigration to America had risen to more than 250,000. The pioneering migrants, including men like Davy Crockett  move west across the United States during the period of Westward expansion



Andrew Jackson, an Ulsterman, became the "people's President". 15 American presidents including James Madison, James Buchanan and Chester Arthur have claimed Scots-Irish descent.



The Industrialization of America led to many opportunities in the iron and then the steel industries. Famous captains of industry included Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Mellon, James O'Hara and Isaac Craig



Immigration to the United States exploded in the 1880's and the United States began to pass laws to restrict immigration. The Ellis Island immigration center was opened (1892 - 1954) where migrants from Europe were required to undertake to medical and legal inspections.



The number of immigrants decreased but their descendents constitute a large number of the American population

Scots-Irish Immigration to America Timeline

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